I had to post this one too, I loved it.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Another Smooth Original
Another Smooth Original Stella ad. I liked this one more than Dial Hard, reminded me of Contempt. For the rest, go to smoothoriginals.com
Dial Hard
This is an ad campaign from Stella Artois called Smooth Original. It is supposed to be a Die Hard With a Vengeance 1960's French style. I found it on Slashfilm.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Roman Polanski's Repulsion

Saturday, May 23, 2009
Gaspar Noe's Enter the Void

Tuesday, May 19, 2009
The Room Trailer
This is the trailer for The Room, one of the worst movies ever made, yet it has developed a huge cult following because of how bad it is. It is playing at The Plaza next Tuesday May 23. Check it out, I listed the link for the Plaza below:
Sherlock Holmes Trailer
Thursday, May 14, 2009
The Road Trailer
Cormac McCarthy's The Road adapted for the big screen. Viggo Mortenson and Charlize Theron
Scorsese to Direct SINATRA
Check out these two links. The first is a Hollywood Reporter article about Scorsese in talks to direct a film called Sinatra and is written by the writer from Field of Dreams. The second is an article from one of my favorite Movie Blog websites discussing Johnny Depp as a potential lead in Sinatra. Thoughts?
Nine Trailer
Trailer for a new film with Daniel Day Lewis, Penelop Cruz, and more. By the director of Chicago. To be released Nov 25, 2009
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Rolling Stone Article on Electric Kool Aid Acid Test Film
Rolling Stone article about the Electric Koo-Aid Acid Test going to the big screen. To be directed by Gus Van Sant, same writers as Milk and Big Love, and same DP as Milk. Possible actors are Woody Harrelson and Jack Black as Ken Kesey. I'm not too sure about those casting options but we'll see what ends up happening. I couldn't be happier that Van Sant is directing it.
Sita Sings the Blues
This is just part one and it is cut off. Watch it on youtube for a better picture and the rest of the film. Check out the website too:
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Slashfilm article about why you shouldn't waste your money to see a film on IMAX if it was not shot on IMAX cameras. The new thing is to release these big budget super effect driven films on IMAX when they really are not shot on IMAX cameras. This short article discusses how the Dark Knight used real IMAX cameras for a good number of scenes including everyone's favorite car chase through the tunnels and flipping the 18 wheeler. However, films like 300, Watchmen, and Star Trek were just blown up to IMAX format from their original 35 mm format. Not to mention the fact that these films are not being projected on FILM PROJECTORS, but Digital Projectors. You make the call, I don't like it. Granted you are still seeing the movie huge on a big ass screen and thats kinda cool, but to call the movie IMAX is misrepresentation and not the truth. One thing you can do is look up IMDB and click on the aspect ratio, look at the differences between the Dark Knight and Star Trek.
Blood Diner Clip
Someone recommended this movie to me at work today. It's a B-Movie Horror Flick called Blood Diner.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Juliet of the Spirits

Films I Watched

This movie was not as interesting or good as I had remembered, and I really did not remember it very well. Most of the reviews written on the movie call it the "Motionless" picture and I can see why. At the same time, seeing the new Star Trek got me fired up to watch all the old ones so I'm excited about continuing to watch the rest. And next up is the most highly reviewed out of them all: The Wrath of Khan. As for the original, there were some interesting conversations between Kirk and Spock about the nature of completely logical machines vs human emotion. Spock's character was the best part of the film for me, and the character of Decker surprisingly enough is the Dad on Seventh Heaven, which I did not realize so I thought that was funny for most of the film. I watched the newly remastered version so I'm not sure how much of the effects were added later, but I have to say the best part of the film was the effects. The story took too long to develop and there were times where we watched the Enterprise slowly move through space for 5 minutes at a time. And nothing really ever happens. I kept waiting for some crazy explanation but the revelation wasn't all that exciting. Overall, very disappointing.
Made in U.S.A. clip
I had to post this clip from Made in U.S.A as well. I love this song and she is beautiful.
New Criterion Release in July: Godard's Made in U.S.A.
I had never even heard of this film before I saw it on the Criterion page. It was made between Pierrot le Fou and Weekend and looks really interesting. And of course anything with Anna Karina is definitely worth checking out...
Sunday, May 10, 2009
The Hit (1984) Trailer
Brand new Criterion Release of this film. Looks cool as shit, really young Tim Roth.

Saturday, May 9, 2009
Music from Plaid: Michael Arias' New film Heaven's Door
While listening to this music, read the article from Michael Arias discussing his new film. It was shot on the road outside Tokyo in small towns throughout Japan. It is the story of two guys who escape from a hospital and go on a wild road trip together.
Inland Empire Trailer
Since I have added all this info about David Lynch today, and the article on Inland Empire, I thought I would add the trailer for Inland Empire.
David Lynch Interview and Robert Blake Scene from Lost Highway
I particularly like this interview with Lynch because he explains some of the basics behind the interpretation of abstraction in film. It is always nice to hear a filmmaker like him describe the difference between concrete films and abstraction. Surrealism, metaphysics, dreams, reality, self consciousness, and of course nightmares....these are all themes that exist in Lynch's cinema and are what got me hooked in the first place. Even after watching many other different types of film I still look back at my first experience with David Lynch, Blue Velvet, and will never forget the impact that it made on me. It was a visceral experience that is hard to explain and is different from being moved by a film. That's not to say I've never been moved by one of his films, the scene in Mulholland Drive at Club Silencio moved me. But, he opens doors that in some cases should not be opened, he shows the dark side of things, the underbelly of society. And what makes his films so great to me is the juxtaposition of the dark underbelly and the cheesy, almost laughable surface of his films. He contrasts light and dark through his use of sound and images.
A very interesting article about David Lynch's films, particularly Inland Empire, Lost Highway, and Mulholland Drive.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Monday, May 4, 2009
G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra
Looks like every action movie you have ever seen with "GI Joe" slapped on the title.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
This year's line up at the Cannes Film Festival. Some of the highlights: Almodovar, Up, Gaspar Noe, Park Chan wook, Bong Joon ho, Ang Lee, Tarantino, Gilliam, Amenebar, Michel Gondry, Sam Raimi, and more.
Francis Ford Coppola's Tetro
This trailer looks incredible, I can't wait to see this movie! The shots are beautiful...
Hawks vs. Heat Game 1
I couldn't start a blog without linking some of my videos. This is some of my Final Cut editing for NBAtv.